Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

I’ll give it a shot. 

If it is the same “Taco Bell” sauce they sell in the grocery store, it isn’t the same as comes in the packets. 

The best proprietary fast food/fast casual sauces are:

Lots of staffers make it near Presidents on a regular basis. The White house is an office. If Presidents never met young staffers, how does one explain the Kennedy and Clinton Presidencies?

The best Jack Ryan movies are Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. 

If you take out the messaging, it is a generally good action movie. The sequences are on par with Blackhawk Down. 

I was confused by the lack of a video of the police power bombing one or both of the parties involved. That is SOP for elementary school fights. 

A 5 year loan on a toy car”

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The only body modification I would participate in is a heart monitor that nukes all my data upon my death. Like a digital version of this:

Even here in Scotland, we’re pushing to end the sale of new fossil fuelled vehicles within the next 20 years. A sign of how well we’re progressing as a whole.”

I had a weird brick wall where every other brick was proud about 1.5 inches and you could use it like a ladder. This was made harder by the fact I only used this method of ingress and egress while not sober. 

I’m not prepared to defend my wild conjecture. 

“it scares the fucking shit out of me.”

“There is a note that the window to the son’s room “is open and a sheet is tied like someone went out from the 2nd floor.” For a few minutes, the dispatch log reflects concerns that the caller’s son is missing, but then contact is made with him by phone and he comes home.”

I think you missed my point. Did the 35K qualified autoworker just stick around without jobs for 10-20 years? Or did they move? If it is the former, then it might work. If they moved to find work, there is no reason to move to Michigan and specifically not Flint. 

Michigan is a big state, but according to CNN, Flint has 1/4 of the autoworker jobs it had in 1996. Based on the fact that Flint was financially depressed before the water crisis, this seems accurate. So either none of those workers moved to find better jobs and you have a glut of highly qualified workers who haven’t

Yeah, but does Wimbledon have panic rooms to store those rejuvenating medications?

Do they? I’d imagine most of the people spry enough to still build stuff have moved to places where they still build stuff. 

That’s why we are telling them to hire you. We don’t have to put of with the trash, they do. It is a win-win for readers.