Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

Wait, the voters of Canada wanted him to disastrously upset India on a head of state visit while simultaneously trying to meet with Sikh separatists to shill for votes at home? 

That doesn’t seem like it would be the responsibility of the reservation, but instead the responsibility of the state to enforce. Indian land is sovereign. The feds could enforce something like this, but not the state as the state doesn’t have jurisdiction.

Oh, my biggest problem is him trying to meet with a convicted terrorist and Sikh separatist to try and swing votes at home.

They will probably arrest people transporting cigarettes without a tax stamp before they enter sovereign land.

“White and other Senecas have been doing battle with New York state for years over cigarette taxes, which the state has said the Senecas have illegally avoided paying, while tribe members say that, as a sovereign nation, they have no obligation to pay.”

I mean, wasn’t he planning to meet with a convicted terrorist and Sikh separatist because he was courting the vote of Sikh people in his own country?

Or alternatively invite them to all stay in Europe without any vetting.

“A competent world leader (i.e. Trudeau or Merkel)?”

Does that make them incorrect? Or more correct? Or a partisan shill? Or a business shill? What would I learn from finding that they operate from one of the premier technology security centers of the world?

I guess I’ll need to watch the segment to find out.

The weirdest thing, is that my understanding is that Pandas are the opposite of sex crazed and that zoos play panda porn to get them to hump. They are so not interested in sex that they have trouble procreating.

Is security researcher the same as white hat hacking? It seems like it might make sense to explain the job you are describing as dangerous.

“Even in a situation where it could be argued that a harmed human was not themselves at fault, you still can’t fault the forest. If a dead branch falls and hits someone unexpectedly, it would be insane to rule that as having been anything other than an accident, and one that could not realistically have been avoided

No, but I have looked across the ocean with a telescope and I couldn’t see Europe.

“Rights do NOT come with responsibilities. That’s the very definition of a right.”

“What I like about it is that it’s aggressive in trying something. FDR said during the New Deal that (paraphrasing) we’re going to try a bunch of stuff here, if some things don’t work, we’re going to try others.”

This seems like a bad plan. Rights come with responsibilities. Does this mean if I sprain an ankle in the Columbian Amazon, I can now sue this “person?” “People” are financially responsible for the people that they injure. The idea of giving rights to things and animals is silly given that now they have to be held to

It was literally a gun battle, after a multi-day crime spree. While there are quite a few bullshit police shootings, when the suspect is firing at the police, shooting the suspect is a good and correct thing to do.

Lol. You are living in the best time to ever exist in the world if poverty, crime, war, and hunger are useful metrics to determine when is the best time to exist. This is literally the best the human species has ever been.

Based on the comments they’ve been deleting off this article, I assume it is made up. I won’t mention what they are regarding, because I don’t want to lose my account.