Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

I am unsure of your definition of oppression, so I generally don’t know what you are considering oppressive. Your comment sounds like a guy who just read Marx for the first time so what you consider oppression and what oppression is may be very different.

Yeah, the message is basically Martin Luther King JR was right and Malcolm X was wrong, if you are looking it at in a political sense.

“Imagine a mob of oppressed people storming the Capitol Building, but making extremely clear that they are doing this because they have no choice, because the government clearly has no intention of ending their oppression.”

Eh, to me he had a Magneto vibe. He has a reasonably beef, but an unreasonable solution.

Is there a timecop reference I am missing?

Unless they’ve changed tactics, gulags are also in play.

I’d try to trip the opponents too if lack of effort could easily result in my murder and the murder of my family.

This is really neat, but as someone who can sew decently to fix stuff and do hems, this seems like the most tedious, miserable artform for an artist to put themselves through. Granted, I assume the misery of doing this adds to the artistic nature of it.

Wouldn’t it depend on whether or not the odds of cheating increase with the ability to cheat? This isn’t a uniquely bi issue. It applies similarly to ugly people versus good looking people. An ugly dude who may be willing to cheat has a lot less opportunity than an good looking dude who is willing to cheat. Some

“They have succeeded in their goal of short-term profits at the price of our health. They have torn scars in the Earth, and poisoned our air, water, food, and soil. Home and properties bought by hard-working people have been made worthless; which, in any other context, would lead to serious prison time.”

Your name is no slouch either!

No. I think Kennedy was shot in a similar car and it probably wouldn’t be best to put a President in an open car vehicle.

Lincoln Continental. Because his name, and the whole keeping the continental US together part. Also, he is tall so convertibles make sense. That said, he was also assassinated, so maybe not the best idea.

Nah, just take a sabbatical to do anything else. Your life will be more fulfilling.

Pittsburgh, DC, Columbus, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle. There are probably a lot more, but New York is pretty much the only city where public transit is a better option than driving (except in some commuting scenarios).

Are we the baddies? There are skulls on our hats...

That’s embarrassing for those adults.

Talk about a misnomer.

Am I wrong to think he looks like an athletic, less ugly Tarantino brother?

Although I’m not sure of her race, isn’t that specifically Isha Aran’s beat over on Splinter? Literally her job is calling people racist.