Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

Because they got the court and policies they wanted.

Based on the comments, I kind of understand the friction between the various groups of Canucks.

Siberians rejoice!

Are you responding to me? I go to Quebec regularly and enjoy Francophone Canada. I don’t disagree that they have regional slang. I am just saying that the unique sound of the French that the majority of Quebecois speak is related to a dead regional French accent.

“The council’s head honcho, mayor Eric Garcetti, is an outspoken proponent of climate action and is the co-founder of the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda”

It is though, much like the trashy southern Italian dead dialect from a specific region Italian Americans speak (See Gabagool for Capicola). They are speaking a dialect that is dead in France. Or at least, an article I read on the subject says that. Basically, through the connectivity of the France 1800s to present,

I found better irony in that even the female driver was a mann.

Weren’t the Francophones also at the time that was invented? Weird word choice.

Prior to the shithole comments, the most common argument against ending TPS was basically that yes, these places are so dangerous and poor, that it would be immoral to send TPS recipients home. I agree with that premise. A week later, everyone is saying that these are perfectly lovely places to imply that Trump is

It’s not my fault that the Quebecois speak a weird regional dialect that doesn’t exist in France proper anymore.

Hon Hon Hon (am I doing French right?)

Now playing

I think that note might be illegal. It isn’t in both languages.

Disregard, I just realized that isn’t her twitter, but a fake twitter account.

Did you at least dunk? Or just fell on your face similarly?

Wait, isn’t the premise from the left that Haiti and El Salvador are so bad that it would be immoral to end TPS?

That’s what I tell the guys at my pickup game as well.

Agreed. The less hysterics and the more policy attack, the better the left will do. They keep trying to overplay their hand on things that don’t matter and underplay things that do. It is not a great plan. Hammer healthcare as that will be getting steadily worse for people. Probably don’t hammer the tax cuts or at

Are you saying that she never tweeted it? Or has since deleted it? Or that reposting it is hate speech? If it is the former, fine. If it is the latter two, it wouldn’t fall into any of those categories.

This isn’t accurate, but judges like the latter, not the former.

In what other countries does the civil service create and amend laws?