Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

Have you seen what styrofoam does when it degrades in the ocean? - Green Peace

“One of the major reasons there are few females in motorsport is that the only females youve been able to see in motorsport have been there only to look good and be oggled at.”

Stock values are speculative though. Most long term investors aren’t placing the value on what the company is worth now, but instead on what they believe it could be worth in the future.

Remember how, in the pre-internet era, other countries used to get our fads 10 years after they were relevant here? I feel like Putin got a tape of Above the Law in 1998 instead of 1988 and thought he would be a good addition to the famous friends club.

Seems kind of speciesist, no?

I support this as long as it isn’t just puppies. No ageism in grid dogs!

“What is the problem here?”

Obviously women aren’t watching due to the lack of Grid Guys(TM).

As with anyone who’s ever read a jezebel article, objectification is fine, as long as it is done about Jon Hamm’s hog in sweat pants or Jason Mamoa’s abs. Based on that logic, equitable objectification seems okay, but I’m taking my cues from a leading feminist blog, so what do I know.

You are correct and have accurately identified my use of hyperbole. Still an accurate analysis of the goals of the bill.

This seems like better marketing. Hot Chicks or Hot Dudes next to winners seems like better visual marketing than just Bernie Ecclestone’s propped up corpse looking like a bad version of Weekend at Bernie’s.  

16%, but when the current rate is 35% and on average, large companies can decrease that to 16%, we have a problem. A rate of 20% that is actually paid is better than a rate of 35% where 16% is actually paid.

Until charging time is equivalent to the time it takes for me to grab a gatorade at WaWa, then it hasn’t made battery swapping irrelevant. I regularly take road trips that are over 500 miles. How long would downtime be to drive that distance?

Well played.

Nah. In the evangelical south, they believe abortion is actually murder. I don’t believe that, but they do. So if you believe that abortion is murder, voting for a pro-choice candidate is the same as voting for a candidate who believes we should be able to murder people for no reason. That isn’t a smart view, but they

Until battery swapping is a thing, an IC vehicle.

“Jim Chanos, a well-known short seller and investment manager, says that the outlook for Tesla’s stock price is grim.”

While generally that is the case here, I’m not even applying science. To apply a scientific lens, the sentence structure would have to be functional enough me for to understand what the author is attempting to communicate. In deconstructing the paragraph, it loses coherency at the “but”.

Yes. The effective tax rate for most large corporations is around 16%. That is almost nothing compared to what the actual tax rate is.