
Keaton has always been a "best thing about a bad movie" kind of actor to me.

It was clear it was a nightmare from the beginning. Primarily due to the fact Osgood didn't come back and Clara wasn't killed off.

Ready the pitchforks...

I'm right there with you. She could have walked through that portal alone and had been a far more powerful scene for me. Korrasami, to me, just feels... forced. Had it been anyone else, I may have had the same reaction; there just wasn't enough believable build-up, despite what they say about it.

This was the interesting thing about Keaton's Wayne - in the '89 movie, watch him when he's at the Fundraiser at the manor, early in the film - he stabs a pen into a bush, leaves a drink on the edge of a table, has Alfred following him around, doesn't know how many crates of wine is good to open - this is not a guy

Well the saying isn't laws were meant to be broken.

It's rules were meant to be broken.

Same fucking thing.

I think the apotheosis of that is the scene when Alfred brings Vicki into the Batcave, having decided to go over his master's head on this one. He's not in the batsuit, but he is most definitely Batman and not Bruce Wayne in that scene. Which, of course, is why the relationship is never going to work out.

As someone that lives in VA, it's harder than it may seem. The speed limits are ridiculously low throughout towns and cities across the state. I recall one day I was driving down a road where 35-40 mph would very easily be a safe speed, but the speed limit was 25-30. A city cop came up behind me. Do you know how

The reason I love Keaton as Batman is because if you look at him as Bruce Wayne you would say to yourself, "No fucking way Bruce Wayne could be Batman". The others were all a little too good looking, a little too suave and a little too brooding. You could see them being batman.

Kick-Ass is one of those movies that people are surprised that I really dislike. There are things in it that are better than the comic (which I find to be near-unreadable and hard to stomach), but I'll give the comic credit for not absolving anyone in it.

Doesn't matter. Still tired of it.

Zombie Cybermen. That was the season finale? Zombie Cybermen? Are you fucking kidding me? This was the dumbest episode of Doctor Who yet, and it was the finale! This entire season was just plain STUPID.

Here we go, thoughts on the final episode as I watch it:

Why did this happen?

*stares at screen* So... so that happened. How do I even collect my thoughts? I'm just... what the hell was all that?

Thoughts on this weeks Dr Who (these were written down as I watched it):

Guys it's time to face the fact that the Terminator movies were always very silly, all of them (plotwise). James Cameron gave us a near perfect action movie with these characters and we're thankful for it but everything since then has just been an attempt at out-Cameroning T2.

Oh look, another episode where NOTHING MAKES SENSE. It was almost more insulting than "Kill the Moon".

Thoughts on this week's Dr Who: