
Please excuse my misuse of the word 'their', it obviously should be the word 'there'.

I could be mad, so mad for so many reasons. The first would be that the dinosaurs lack any color, feathers, or even the basic camo that real-life reptiles and amphibians often sport (yeah, yeah, I've heard the excuses).

Please ignore this poll - All it implies is that the propaganda worked. I'm sure if those questioned had thmeselves ever been tortured, or had known someone who was, the poll would be markedly different.

Right? Keaton made batman something possible by making him eccentric, nuts, and not particularly noble. Rather than noble or rightious, he is the best available insanity in an insane world. having met several super-rich folks, been to the parties, etc. I ahve to say his take is spot on. The super-rich have no

I totally know the thing! Yeah, they never made the movie or the show - I live in a foreign desert working to provide all us working citizens with beautiful black American Oil, so i don't get out much. Good choice, I've read them all. keep up the good fight, someone needs to defend all the rich and powerful fascist

I like this, this is what I like.

Am I wrong, I know it was a show, but I was pretty sure they made a movie a couple of years ago. Ha! I don't know man, I just know minerals.

Also I'm a geologist, and while I certainly know the movie from whence comes your name, it still makes me laugh every damn time. Good luck killing that boredom.

This comment, is however, unproductive. Now you just sound like you're trolling. Exit - stage left.

That sir, is correct - sorry if I was overboard myself - lately I've been on my high-horse. It just sucks. I appreciate your opinion, and I'm glad you have a voice for it.

Attitudes like this drive me nuts - you talk with such an angry voice of authority over people not submitting to an angry voice of authority - check it...

Yes and exactly - after three bad experiences I did in fact begin to avoid the state entirely. It sucks, Busch Gardens is awesome.

Oh yes! Perfect,you just made a very mean and cynical full-grown man want to watch Batman in the middle of the day. Productivity ruined.

You got it man, he played Bruce like a stunted rich boy, a man stuck at the age his parent's were killed, just a big 'boy' really. He played Batman like it was a psychosis given form. It was perfect, even if Burton's movies were not

I would rather die in a fire than watch the Doctor Who: Christmas Stickylips. Not only has Moffat's made me hate all of NuWho, but now I have trouble watching Classic Who as well. He ruined it for me, just smeared poo all over it, and ruined it forever. Please, please, someone fire this man.

So, like, if you were to watch the trailer with no idea what Star Wars was, I don' think you would have any idea what this movie is about. Other than the visual stimulation, I can't say I'm excited at all... especially after Star Trek: Train Wreck.

You absolutely can fight Hollywood - here's how. When the reviews are bad, the concept is bad, and the idea is offensive and assumes you're a child or an idiot (live action transformers, TMNT, etc.), then don't pay to see it. If the movie bombs, we're safe for a least a few years. That simple - don't give them your

Right? What's really interesting is that the community hates it, but someone is keeping it up, modifying it, maintaining it - that granite is super espensive to clean and repair, suggesting someone wealthy, and since it's vandalized all the time, someone who can pay attention. Whatever it is, clearly it is meant for

I took a trip and saw them! They are super creepy, on the top of a rural hill, middle of nowhere - no trees or signs or anything. We nearly got into an accident as we turned sharply to avoid missing the turn. The signs are usually surrounded by flowers and offerings as well as graffiti and satanic nonsense. The

The supposed Roanoke mystery is really not a thing. I'm from North Carolina, and we make a pretty big deal out of it there for tourism reasons, but when I was getting my degree in history, we touched on it. Evidence is pretty clear and even widely accepted that they ran out of supplies, the Croatoan were a peaceful