
No assumptions can be made about the barn. However, established canon says he was a kid on Gallifrey, so there you go. Your assumption of an 'offworld colony/outpost' is as likely as it having been in the belly of a giant insane T. Rex (canon, thanks again Moffat).

Please explain how Clara has more depth.

Thank you so much for saying this.

I like the way you look at the subjecct, I disagree but respect your opinion.

Who the doctor is? So if every/most episodes 'explore who the Doctor is' (which I agree is the point), then at what point is the show just too meta to make sense? The Doctor is on an adventure and he does things, and the adventure and the things he does are themselves an exploration of the Doctor and the things he

Agree. Moffat's episodes are boring and disconnected. I'm a fan for twenty years and I fast forward through these episodes. I was excited about Capaldi, and I like what he does with the material, but ultimately would rather just watch classic Who these days.

Intelligently put Batcow, but nonsense. Sloppy, lazy storytelling is what it is. Moffat has a staff, a budget, a full time job. I expect quality, not something a normal geeky joe could write in an afternoon.

Eldritch, you sir are correct