Count Fenring

Holy crap! I have always thought of that dude solidly in the misogynist, abuser of women camp, but that trivia tid bit opens up so much more. I’m also kind of not surprised so had to say “Holy crap” that I hadn’t put it together before now.

I really want to learn to play the guitar now and start a band named Xenu’s Chosen Tushie.

Seriously, this kind of stuff is irritating when Mikako Kakutani does it, but at least her audience is self important literary ass holes. It’s a video game dude. We don’t give a fuck about your English major.

D’oh, my bad. All in rage over what’s happening to my town.

Colts Neck is nowhere near Bedminster. Not even in counties that border each other.

Moved to Bedminster NJ in 1984, long before Trump bought John DeLorean’s old property and built a golf course. Spent prime growing up years here and lived here on and off since, and consistently since 2010. Never thought of it as a small town since we’re still kind of NYC suburb, but after a while you get to know your

You mean it has gone downhill since the days of Leonard Bernstein when he used the place for his annual collection of butt boys?

Unfortunately I have to admit Sting in that...thing was a pivotal moment in young gay Count Fenring’s strange new feelings. Not proud, just is what it is.

Fun fact I learned during my Italian Cinema phase. When Fellini was casting The Satyricon the two main male leads are American models because he said, “Italy does not have homosexuals.” And that was in the 1960s. Self delusion is a powerful thing.

With the trending story about President elect, did anyone else read that headline too fast as, “Pee-pealed, Pee-halved Avacados,” and horrific images came to mind?

This is the first time I ever encountered the term “Shirtcocking,” so I googled and went down a rabbit hole I’m not sure I can come back from.

Aw, I would play with you, and the guilds I’m in are pretty apolitical and all about the game. Although I’m that dude that instantly gets kicked the moment I speak in the mic because I sound, “Like a faggot,” so the weeding out process for jerks has taken care of itself.

Also there are two ladies from my high school I was best friends with, and they’re MD PhDs now. Saying doctor doctor just sounds dumb so I genuflect instead. (No sarcasm, the stuff they work on blows my mind.)

My PhD dissertation advisor had the best thing to say on this subject, “Only a complete ass hole is called doctor when they only have a PhD.”

But think about this, Martin Shkreli also attended Hunter College High School.

Wait, didn’t we learn this back in the day with Jimmy Carter? When they went and crunched the numbers to figure out how much it would cost to change the whole country to metric it came out to be several times larger than the entire federal budget? At least that was a fun story my Calculus professor shared in class one

My favorite phone calls at work are the, “You sound like a homosexual, I want to speak to the real manager.” (And believe me that’s the nice version of the words they use.)

YES! This right here.

Thank goodness there’s another Civ 3 fan in the universe, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. I mean I’ve tried 4 and 5, but just couldn’t get into them as much and always return to 3.

Oddly the supposed non-religious New England Prep Schools I attended back in the day worked exactly the same way. Sometimes I think the religion thing really isn’t the point and people just suck.