Countess von Fingerbang still sometimes lurks in here

As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.

We shouldn’t compare men to dogs; dogs listen, men don’t.


Obviously this isn't getting through but I'll say it. If a woman rejects you, you don't get to stab her, throw acid in her face, stalk her, terrorize her, or rape her. No is a hard word to understand, apparently.

Okay trademark “nice guys,” want to explain yet again how rejection is so much worse than MURDER? Fuck.

These Republican debates have quickly become my favorite new series.

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

I feel like I need a diagram to explain what the hell happened.

When one person bullies another into suicide using social media and other means, people in general agree they should be culpable. This woman’s actions would seem to be pretty the same, the only issue is whether she has an insanity defense. From an intent perspective, she clearly intended her boyfriend to harm himself,

“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.

I remember reading the details of this a few months back and thinking, “What in all the fucks?”

Give it a tail to wag. Maybe they will like it better then

Actually, that dog is exhibiting play behavior. While Spot initially was suspicious, as soon as the operator had the robot do a play bow, the dog’s body language and demeanor changed completely. The whole second half of that video was an excited dog bouncing around saying, “Play with me! No,dummy, stop turning away!

Got our back?, I have it on good authority they are already cooperating when it comes to projectiles.

I agree. MLK should have talked more about the plight of white people and all the rights white people don’t have in order to be completely equal.

Let’s all go to the funeral for Flaagan’s grandmother and remind him that we too have suffered loss.

Because white people are doing fine yah dumb fuck

Move away man. Find a new start.