Countess von Fingerbang still sometimes lurks in here

This isn’t about their son. This about his feelings of control. Waah waah, I’m a giant baby and this woman won’t let me control her life!

So when a child is sick and needs to go to the doctor at the earliest possible time, does the daycare take the child to the doctor or do we redefine medical emergency and ‘the earliest possible time’ to mean ‘after work hours so that mom or dad don’t miss any work?

“Avoiding a racist mix-up by skipping dark paint altogether would’ve been another cool option.”

It’s worth noting that a lot of instagram filters put yellow tints over photos (which is often flattering and vintage-y looking), but yellow and purple are complementary hues, and mixing them will turn the color muddy and brown-ish. Seeing the makeup (that’s pretty obviously purple and glittery) in other photos makes

So it’s pretty obvious from the new evidence in the linked article (i.e the undarkened photos) that this was indeed an honest mistake. It seems like maybe the title of this article should be reworded. Unless you meant it to be clickbait...ohhhh.

To be fair, Shelties are a reasonably small dog breed, but that’s still a pretty big bunny.

That collie looks suitably unnerved.

I guess y’all never heard of Flemish Giants? Well, here you go.

“I’m suing you because I shot and killed you, am now under investigation, and therefore I am emotionally distressed.” Fuck this cop

Oh you have got to be friggin kidding me! Their aura has ears? That’s so dumb it’s making me angry

I want to see her hanging on the screen door by her claws before I'll buy in.

You don’t need antibiotics, you need probiotics. A cup of yogurt spooned into your vag should work well, or just squeeze a GoGurt up in there. Good as new. Smells like strawberries.

“I stand behind my daughter in whatever lifestyle choice she wants but, man, it weirds me out when she gets on the counter and just stares at me while I make coffee”

Can we not? This undermines the struggles of transpeople. It’s not like you decide you want to be something else way cooler one day just because you don’t like yourself. You know who does that? Children. Whenever kids struggle with their realities at home, they start wearing costumes they refuse to take off. I used to

If she “speaks cat” then ill pay her to come over and explain to my siamese that the vacuum was not a machine sent back in time to kill him.

Must be annoying for her mom to have to watch for her darting out every time she opens the door.

Walked across her boyfriends keyboard.

I mean, I’ve know people who like to sleep in sinks and on windowsills, but eventually everyone realizes that pregaming with cheap tequila is a bad idea.