
What could possibly go wrong?

I was doing research on EV motors for a conversion project, and found it fascinating that while the torque numbers from zero RPM are huge, it drops off precipitously not far from zero. Many of the motors dropped to 10% of top torque around 2k RPM.

Ha! You don’t have to worry about Coronavirus. Maybe Tetanus.....

This is the Cimarron we should have gotten. But GM decided to take a more Cavalier attitude.

What percentage of your net worth did you donate to coronavirus? Do you think the moral superiority of your donation will save more lives than 10M EUR will?

Hey Michael, just to clarify what everyone else is saying: you’re an asshole. A jealous, bitter, fucked up asshole.


Mikes already outside waiting by his mailbox for his Corona bux to come in.

This might prove to be an unpopular opinion, but do they have to donate anything?

We get it. Unions good, companies bad, rich people bad. Rich people who donate millions still bad. Rich people who donate every penny they have still bad because their ancestors obtained the money unfairly. 

I wonder if, in hindsight and with the ability to see that 95% of the comments disagree strongly with the writer’s opinion, the writer will re-evaluate his opinion?

So you hate Capitalism because people are giving their own money to charity instead of the government taking it and losing about 90% of it before it actually gets anywhere useful?

They didn’t have to donate a dime. Yet, they donated 10M Euros. You found a way to bitch about it. STFU, you worthless twat waffle.

Hey Mike, how much have you donated?

Stop resisting the narrative!

So what’sthe solution then?

I’m not much of a finance guy but even I know that “net worth” doesn’t mean “amount of cash we have laying around”. So enough with the clickbait title - €10m is a significant sum. It is the government’s job to have resources to fight crises like this.

Came to Jalopnik today to read about car stuff. Left dissapointed that Jalopnik finds a way to bitch about someone donating money/resources, when the donating entity doesn’t have to do it at all.

His goal was to use a grille from a modern F-250. “I went to Walmart and measured people’s trucks.

In my hands it could go from zero to catastrophic walrus consuming explosion in half that.