The knee jerk assumption was the plane went down due to a terrorist attack. The knee jerk response was to mandate that all travelers show identification to fly. This was the first time in our history that identification was required to travel.
Cara Adams is a huge part of the success of Firestone in Indycar. She takes her responsibility to the series, and, more importantly, the drivers very personally. If you have the chance, look up her interviews with Marshall Pruett on .
I’m not seeing anything about the effectivity/risk of airbags as related to differences in weight and stature. From memory, the original airbag specifications were written to protect an unbelted male. It was discovered that these bags were injuring/killing children, especially in reverse facing car seats, which led to…
... and Bob Wollek ... and Mark Webber...
It would make business sense to move as much of its operations as it can to the Memphis base of Competition Cams. California seems determined to drive business out while Tennessee is welcome to business while also having zero personal income taxes.
Looks like something Rob Dahm would come up with on a cocaine bender...
Works great unless the tire on one side keeps rolling while the other spins in reverse through the differential. IIRC, early Fords used that system for regular brakes but caused major problems as the curb side tire would slip in the muck, spin backwards and resulted in no brakes in the back.
They did. From their website,
Lots of truth to what you’re saying. Then again, it’s kind of a chicken and egg thing. Why buy something that costs as much as a good helmet (in addition to your helmet) for something that hasn’t been proven? Of course, it can’t be proven until it’s in use. Dale’s death changed all of that. Even then, Tony…
Google up an interview with Randy Lanier who funded his career smuggling pot. Marshall Pruett has one (Episode 95) and so do “Dinner with Racers”.
“Shortly after the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, back in mid-April Kyle Larson proved that the negative connotations associated with NASCAR were true when he spouted a racial epithet over his online-racing comms as easily as if he were saying hello.”
I’ve used those with middling success. The only thing that bothers my engineering brain is why they didn’t build a little charging circuit, powered by the cassette drive wheel, into the whole thing. TaDa! No need to charge!
Ddorilton Capital is headed by Matthew Savage, a gazillionaire and according to Peter Windsor, a racer. Windsor says that William’s F1 is in good hands. He would know.
You’re kidding, right?
Back in the day, the “standard” rear bumper was your typical formed metal stamping similar to the front bumper. Back in the late ‘70's/early 80's, after market bumpers were all the rage. (I recall “Hercules” was a popular brand.) The idea was that most people were going to change the bumper to fit their needs. Step…
“Why would I go looking for something I don’t know exists?”
I’d love to join in on this conversation but, after 13 years of participating on this site, I was determined to be a racist (I’m not), and kicked to the grays. I am also, apparently, a “chud”.
Steel rotors with the whole system limited by the 15 inch wheels. They already have problems with the heat “melting the bead” on the tires when running short tracks. They’d have to step up to F1 grade carbon-carbon brakes with the associated carbon fiber drums and associated ducting to survive and we both know that’s…