Count Erpoint

Mark Cuban predicts the world's first trillionaires!

Tomorrow we're on our own

Aw, blow yerself, Bannon.

Tucker Carlson is humorless.

Let's see what the Russian judge scores it…

"He spun his bow tie, though. Taint gonna say I didn't enjoy that."
"Ry-Ry, you card! Lemme see your abs."

Except for the state of Bliss, amirite?!!?

It's still early.

Nah. The less said, the better.

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Brian Aldiss was an accomplished writer who had a long career of merit, but did Brian Aldiss ever deny a woman her agency?

Eh. I'd already put the title of the movie out of my mind.

AH! Damn. I'm the dummy!

Make, like, a thing and give it to someone you love. Homemade gifts are the bestest.

Save that attitude for After Earth, sir. While we're all stuck here on this planet, you will do your part. You will do your part!

The Lady in the Water was seduced by the pool-boy. Typical.

You think representation is "no real reason"?
Get woke, dammit!

They were on the studio back-lot the entire time!

I'll admit to spooning a bit with Kinja Ernie, but that's it.