Count Erpoint

"C'mon, Mom! I'm working with tech in here!"

Your wicked enjoyment is, well, um, wicked.

29K upvotes, and all I got is this stupid, little star!

Hopefully, there will still be some rending left to do when you get back.

♪ Vera
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do? ♪

bastard, I need a cuddle.


Mr. Greene, I am blue.


Whoah, lookit Mr. Glass-Half-Empty over here!

I'm always gonna want pancakes.

Miss you already, Shulkie.

That's so-corny, it's Orville Reddenbacher.

Lookit Mr. Works-For-Google over here!

I just really like looking down from our office balcony. On one side of the building there's a crowd gathering for the eclipse climax (it was obscured by clouds), while on the other, they're gathering for Bernie's rally in about an hour.

Well, Steve Bannon, allegedly.


That's our Warren!

5:32 X [4 / 24 X 122] + 100 = 208.1733328

So much competition, too!