Count Erpoint

Man, it was overcast in 1979, and it's overcast here today. I'll have to watch it on the internet.

Would you like me to get out the math?

You're not the boss o' me, apples.


On the other hand…Huge party. Dancing in the streets. Music. Free beer. Get to watch Jarvanka cry.

Of course it is. Laws can be changed.

There really was an incident with an enormous cheese, though.

Such a gawdawful fucking song.
Stupid idiots.

Charity events. Charity events.


Yes. But then they'd all be in one place, and…

I LOVE that fucking dog!

Nah. Not if stopping his protection is an option.

Yes. That's why he let the Secret Service go from Trump Tower New York. They couldn't afford the rent he was charging them.

There was that incident with the cheese.

Change the law.

When you multiply any number by zero, you end up with zero! Don't you see? isn't it clear?! I thought you libtards were supposed to be smart!??!
The Muslims want to ruin all the good Christian numbers!


So, we're supposed to have special glasses for this, yeah?

Really? "Accidents Will Happen" and "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding" were all over the radio. Not to mention Linda Ronstadt's "Alison" cover. I gotta think you were actively not into music at all.