Count Erpoint

Many would argue Elvis Costello peaked prior to 1979.


Depends on the level of "doubt." One can legitimately believe Clinton and Dubbya ignored warnings of 9/11 without holding to "lunatic conspiracy" theory. One needn't prescribe to any lunacy at all to know that the Warren Commission was flawed.

Jebus, this twat^!

And that one idiot in the VICE documentary. I knew, even polite as they are, Canadians weren't going to abide the association with this crap.

Absolutely. As long as we stay focused and realize it's small.

"Fine. I'll leave you nothing. I don't even know you, and I wanted a younger hot daughter anyway."

Oh, Chrissy. This might happen.

While this is wonderful, let's temper or glee with the realization that this is being done now to appear as a moderation of Trump's current Nazi debacle. Even if Bannon's a really vile scapegoat, he's still just a scapegoat.

"Director friendly" has nothing to do with the number of films one makes for a studio. It is all about how much control the studio cedes to the filmmaker on a film. In this, Warner Bros. TOWERS over Marvel and Disney. It's not even close.

Past, anyway. I wouldn't give the frat-boy, bro-country bands the benefit of any doubt.

"You obviously don't have four sisters. They just talk over you anyway. It's great, though. I'm kinda shy."

And as long as they are the only ones who keep pushing "alt-left" eventually the "alt" becomes irrelevant, leaving just Right and Left. With the Right being the one associated with Nazis.

And, Trump never wanted this committee to be a thing anyway.

Should've just yelled until he shut defuck up.

Eh, children I'm cool with. Let's do your no-more-fetishizing thing with the military.

"those countries understand the purposes of setting up monuments as inspirational symbols"

None of those women listed strike me as brainwashed victims with inferiority complexes. They're willing participants in the American Ego, just as more than half of white women voters who reportedly voted for Trump are.

And after the VICE doc, we know they'll be armed heavier than soldiers in Afghanistan.

Which came first? The insane ruler or the insane population?