Count Erpoint

Oh, the optimism of the young.

The man is an imminent pedophile scandal away from being irrelevant.

I refuse to believe an egg can be that good if it has so little influence on the rest of the eggs in the carton. Scramble 'em all up. Would you put that omelet in your mouth?

"And when he awoke, he could see, but the world, having long been sightless, was completely useless to him."

Except, James' movie studio occasionally puts out something worthwhile. Ivanka? Just a little bit of pretty and a lot of word vomit.

James knows. James loves his complicated Daddy…'s money.

$1 million dollars is a lot more money than I can donate to the ADL, but it'll scarcely counter even 30 seconds of the vitriol broadcast by FOX News every day, all day long.

There's no way he'd be the CEO of any company if he had to earn it.

Are the donuts dipped in pig's blood?

Tennessee has 11 Electoral College votes. That seems like a lot.

I did the same thing this weekend.

*eats a shiitake mushroom*

He also needs Ivanka to come to his room for moderation and consolation. In half an hour.

You don't want an infrastructure deal from the Trump Administration. That way leads only to corruption, dirty deals, lawsuits, and cronyism.

That would make a great bumper sticker.

We'll see what comes of September 16th.

"She and Jared are out of town. And they're doing construction at the White House. And we had a press conference. This was a press conference. No more questions. I've answered your questions."

He still got Marvel, Disney, Pepsi, and the WWE on his side?

And ruin it. Six times.

He played one of those on TV.