Count Erpoint

"Also Melania's not evil enough to be a Jezebel, though she is foreign."

"He'll fucking murder the Evangelicals when he comes back."

I wanted a daughter. — Gawd

In this scenario, who's the hero? Gawd or Aunt Janice?

She was so loved, God called her to S/His side. In the most horrible and painful way imaginable. Isn't that a blessing?

In order for them to notice the Void, one has to accept after-life consciousness. So, um, go to the light, I guess.


Gender and ethnic disparity in Gawd's writer's room.

God also rewards a whole lot of bad shit.


"…the human being hiding within."

Kanye Unplugged isn't anything that I want to have to deal with at this point in time when Western civilization dangles on the brink.

Well, I'm no expert, but most everybody else with any actual experience with Kinja says it is formatted to discourage the "conversational" aspect of commenting, which would be a further step towards the "very chaotic" quality you dislike.

I'm OK with "Mama," but it really is just a sort of reboot of "In the Air Tonight." Nothing memorable enough about it to save that album from the garbage heap.

Except Trump is facing the camera and blocking the orphans with his fat head. But Black Baby still isn't smiling.

It's also a beautiful photo.

I hate that it's not a real tweet yet.

Can we please put "woke" to sleep?

"There were clowns on many sides. Many sides. What about the ones drinking Faygo? Pepsi had the concession contract. Did you realize that? If it weren't for the news being fake, you would be saying that what I said was very nice. I said. What I said was nice and good, alright? Ask Sean Hannity."

So, September 18th Trump will be lie-bragging about the attendance at a rally where Nazis murdered three people painted like clowns.