Count Erpoint

"On my planet, it means 'hope.' Or it's Batman's mother's name in our language. It's one of those things. I can't really remember. I've been dead between now and then."

If they really wanted him out, he'd've been out months ago.

Gawd, if there were only a way to ensure the verdict in that trial were never made public. That's gonna be a match that starts a horrifying conflagration.

And F U C K McMaster and Kelly and Mattis and any other strict-military-discipline phonies this insane regime wants to prop up in front of the cowed populace to show muscle.

He's invested in anything and nothing, all at once. He is quite literally deranged.

As someone pointed out here just last week, the administration IS the distraction. The stuff that the Koch Brothers are lining up in the dark background will be horrifying us for decades.

What are the words?

Mark Burnett and Roma Downey had better hope their Jesus-y stuff works and they're good with God, because if he had released the Apprentice outtakes we maybe could've settled this sooner.

He reinstated himself with spaces between the words in his dumb handle.

Good. I want to see her on food stamps.

It's worse: The "phony" modifies "Vietnam." Trump doesn't believe in Vietnam.

We'll make good Christians out of them. And then we'll find them a little place.

Question: Anyone seen any real numbers lately on the effect of the Presidency on Trump's financial "brand"?

You're still here?

Act now. You'll get two!

(I knew that. It's so funny that you think I didn't know that.)

The continued existence of the country as the southern traitors benefit from it today.

America. The Armies of the North.

Reads like a white nationalist apologist to me.