Count Erpoint

Get over it! We won! Look at the map!

I thought this guy didn't approve of losers?

I'm a turkey guy, but I know what you mean.

Hair IS weird, though. It stops growing in places where you want it, and then it starts growing in places where it shouldn't. I can't figure hair.

They're doing the Ivanka-talks-to-Gayle-King thing with Bannon?
Now I get it.

(Brother? We figured if anybody were a fan of dead-body-sausage it would be you but eggs? Don't tell me they were sunny-side up or you're out of the club!)

Constitutional Crises, plural.

Somebody explain to me what sense it makes, though?
I'm feeling a little dense this morning.

Lookit Mr. Objects-In-Your-Mirror-Are-Larger-Than-They-Appear over here!


♪ The two of us may search no more
We've both found what we'd been searching for ♪

♪ So take a good look at my face
If my smile looks out of place
All these poxes and scabs have replaced
The sum of your fears ♪

Would that matter to Trump? He only wants to look strong. The deaths of innocents is how leaders have been looking strong since there have been leaders.

I never trust these things anymore. I'm always suspecting set-ups.

A volKKKswagon full of clowns.

Alien God's work, right there.

"Aw. I kind of wanted to keep the baby brother."
"You gotta eat, kid."

It takes awhile, but, yeah. It's likely it would go down more if the press made a bigger deal about all the capitalists abandoning Trump.

His supporters being addled messes helps, I suppose, since they probably like seeing themselves reflected.

You know he wouldn't pull that "fake news" crap on The Wall Street Journal. So I wonder if yesterdays' front page will be in his "Feel Good, Daddy" folder this morning.