Count Erpoint

I may miss you most of all, Scarecrow.

Your theory suggests why the two issues have been purposefully meshed, but you don't address that the two do not naturally co-exist. One can be a wealthy racist and have no economic anxiety. And one can have economic anxiety and not blame another race for it.

No, you refer to them not as "alt-left" but as "Bernie Bros" or "stupid third party voters" or, you know, whatever. Yeah? You know them now? The people you've been blaming for Hillary Clinton's embarrassing defeat since November?

I spent the entire day in those wheat fields, and I, myself, witnessed no fucked pig, dead or otherwise.

I spent the entire day in those wheat fields, and I, myself, witnessed no naughtiness, super and / or otherwise.

"Who do we become if we don't become Americans?"

The idea that progress has some kind of unstoppable momentum, as if powered by a Newtonian law, was always a very American belief. However, it’s really an article of faith, the Christian fantasy about history’s happy ending reconfigured during and after the Enlightenment as a set of modern secular fantasies. It

Many of us won't.

At this point, We are going to have that violent outburst, though, whether he's removed or not. I'd, frankly, much rather have a competent individual at the head of the sinking ship during the crisis.

Just count the times he interrupts someone or tells them to be quiet and listen.
At a press conference. That he called. In the middle of his vacation. To try to clean up his own mess.

The Democrats are not going to sweep into office during the midterms, and non-voters are even more alienated from the process now than before.

Look at that Kelly piece of shit. Staring at his shoes. The disciplinarian. Gonna bring the military to a flailing administration.
Useless as Jarvanka.


And the populations of a couple of weary nations can finally, finally lay their heads down to rest. It can't be Fucksgiving because I give not a single one.

Sometimes you see an avatar, and you wonder, "Does that guy really look that much like Bela Lugosi?", but that's ridiculous. Other times you see an avatar of a buttoned-up, old, white, Republican woman wearing a flag pin, and you think, "Yep. Well-chosen."

Not everyone who pays $10 per month is even going to see a movie per month.


And yet…$10 for a single movie is a rip-off. And AMC charges me $12.50 (plus a convenience charge for getting a seat online).

That's when you cut 'em off. Treat it like a divorce or your refusal to enable an alcoholic.

Thank you, but truthfully? I'm, um, complex. At best. But I do try.