Count Erpoint

"Ivanka. I make poopy!"

He's NEVER gotten any of his legislation enacted.

Two things. His family's history of racism in business leaves no doubt.

Don't count on it. Oh, if this were Paula Deen, no doubt. But this is their brand and their chance and their time. They're not gonna do anything but bluster. And they blustered harder for 8 years at President Obama.

Yeah! Where's Pence's "Jesus Loves You" bullshit in regards to any of this crap?

And because it works. It works! Americans have self-degraded to the point where that tactic works!

And then he says something incorrect.

Did we hurt your feeling?

Yeah. Yoko Ono doesn't come off as so silly now, right?

He envies Jared.

Eh. Yes is kinda lame.

Too soon.

You guys…Not to belittle our righteous anger, but this sh!t is going to continue post-Kinjapox, and I'm not going to have any of you to talk me back from the edge.

Fuck every Trump voter. Fuck every third party voter and their lousy protest votes. Fuck the electoral college.Fuck every enabling Republican. Fuck boring "disenfranchised" white people and their fucking entitlement. Fuck the Democrats for having no discernible message. Fuck everyone in the media with their false

I hope she takes it back.

Then the police will begin killing good people, and the bad people will lean back in their recliners with smug looks on their faces.

Has he even seen the photo of that young man (whose name I unfortunately always forget) getting beaten by poles by white Nazi fucks?

Does anybody still do that DOWNFALL meme? Just that scene and quotes of Trump's.

And how do they explain their vote for governors, mayors, senators, congresspeople, and judges?

Texas textbook writers are bound to put a "positive spin" on it, though.