Count Erpoint

Sipping martinis on Abaco Island, while being fanned by beautiful islanders with palm fronds —- his, um, nose just out there, enjoying the, um, smells.

I used to love frog's legs, but now I'm afraid to eat them because I'm a homophobe.

Her unpopularity had many sides. Many sides.

"I did. I said 'in the strongest possible terms.' That's the most strong you can say terms. Believe me, folks. I condemn violence on many sides. Many sides."

Nah. He's a fucking racist. And Thundercant is really, really dense.

The many sides of FOX News.

Somebody will soon say "Bernie Bros," and I will fucking go off!

It was up six points last weekend (compared to two weekends ago) when he was acting tough with North Korea. And I have seen comments on sites today saying "Korea has backed down. Great job, President Trump!"


Likely intentional.

Good Gawd, fucking NO THANKS. Another media attempt to lecture us while simultaneously making us feel okay-ish about life instead of pissed. With suggested romance!

We're gonna imitate his bravery, fuckstick, and hop right in wherever we don't belong to make some smug jackass comment.

"I just hate having to hang out and keep track of a place where all the content is just inferior to my tastes, but I'm forced. I'm forced, people!"

He wouldn't physically be able to do that character in this environment. He'd have to turn it into a full-on villain and get fired for racist, misogynist comments and sexual harassment in order to burn it to the ground.

Hell, Paul Ryan has jumped on the bandwagon. ("Just condemn Nazis out loud, Donnie. That's what we all do.")

This. They're not in denial. THIS is what they think they want.

About substituting philanthropic PSAs for the military commercials in movie theaters?

I don't think President Obama ever jerked a knee anywhere. Maybe once, playing ball, but he walked it off because he wasn't a narcissist sociopath.

Nope. I'm not feeling sorry for Hillary "Superpredators" Clinton this week.

"Apparently not." - Appleby's