Count Erpoint

They will ALWAYS vote for the Republican candidate.

So, wait…The people who don't support Trump anymore have changed their minds because they don't like his Wall St. appointees or because he hasn't been draconian enough? These aren't compatible views. Which is it?

Um, yeah. I was speaking allegorically.

Publically spanked by the people who make Tiki torches.

We're on tricky, shaky ground here. "Doxxing" bad guys, while decrying doxxing when the bad guys do it.

The decision to never again show flag-draped coffins on television; the concerted effort to turn any discussion of war into "Support Our Troops;" the association of destruction with "the other side" almost exclusively while associating our war technology with shock and awe and video game awesomeness.

I agree with you, but I think there is one additional thing to consider…It's not just the amount of media —- I believe newspapers and television covered as much ground back then as "homepages" and newsfeeds do now and, more importantly, covered the ground far less shallowly —- it's the directed nature of the media.

You could just as easily say they freaked much longer. To the same result?

This knife fucks.

Um, people were freaking out non-stop in 1968.

The thing about The '60s that I remember was the middle-American horror. Watching my white, suburban Grandmother openly weep at the sight on television of dogs set on black men, women, and children. Watching my buzz-cut, anti-hippie, love-it-or-leave-it father getting upset at news of young men wasted in Vietnam.

How long is that arc, again? And do we count the kinks and knots? Arcs are usually cleaner than the one this moral universe of yours would like to claim.

Are there? Where are those? Current Trump support among Trump voters is reportedly in the 90th percentile.

The thing about people who brag about their straightforward honesty…They're ALWAYS misdirecting.

I agree with you. There was a reason they didn't use characters like Two-Face or Scarecrow on the '60s show. Those characters would have had to have been "lightened up" to their detriment, I think. Heck, compare The Joker of today's comics and pop culture to that show's version.

Indoor plumbing. Really?

The beautiful ones always smash the picture. Always. Every time.

You obviously haven't seen the sticker "DODGE the father - RAM the daughter" then. Dodge saw the "Deez Nutz" market and had to get a piece of it, apparently.

That you'll pay for with a credit card, the balance of which you just let run, because your payment is always at max cost every month anyway. You'll never know you spent $1347.89 on that cheaply made piece of crap.

What a fucking idiotic thing. I'm sure they'll sell millions of 'em.