Count Erpoint

Self-delusion is easy. He likely wakes up every morning thinking he's got it all figured out.

Pop, after the Kinjapox, I will miss your level-headedness in crisis and your humor all the rest of the time.

Except alt-righters don't really like literature unless it's Nazi propaganda.

Because NAZIS, motherfucker. There isn't ONE, SINGLE individual among the group of white nationalist racist frat-boys whose argument is for justice or equal rights. THAT is the difference.

"Hitler's pretty daughter is young and modern, and she'll be an effective influence upon her father."

If one more veteran tells me today that he fought a war for my freedom and there's violence coming from many sides, I just might punch a veteran in the face, too.

It's really not that complicated. They're racists. The South's history is slavery, and its legacy is racism. Period. Full-stop.

Emotions and guns NEVER mix, and to prove that, somebody oughtta track down those S.O.B.s with their poles who nearly beat that young man to death and show them some emotion.

Google, please tell me where Andrew Anglin lives.

Too much time and empathy wasted trying to come up with motivation for troglodytes; didn't read.

Yessir. A duck so lame crutches won't help him quack.

That last sentence made me spit soda through my nose.

I've declined my invitation to my niece's wedding because her fiancé showed up at a Fourth of July party with a M#G# hat. I haven't lectured anyone. I haven't given my reason. I just declined.

Thank you, Mr. Frazier, with respect.

There are so many sides to this narcissist sociopath and all of them rotted, with small, moldy, fanged creatures living off the filth in his fat folds.

What IS The Color of Punny, anyway?

Those are The Raisins, racist!
Spuds Mackenzie does not approve.

Dee-ANG! Tuggin' on Superman's cape!

Is his acting jaw alright? I mean, he's got the whole of the Universal Monsters franchise riding on his acting jaw!

He's used to jumping on couches.