Count Erpoint

Seems I've put 1997 out of my memory almost completely.

I saw it in the theater with my best friend who was built like Superman, kind as a puppy, and dumb as a box of rocks. As we left the theater, he turned to me and asked, "Do you feel gay now?"
I said, "No more than I usually feel around you, particularly."
He laughed and said, "I didn't mean 'gay' in the good way."

Eh. Most real people never watched it, and LOTS of people who did didn't like it.

Um, RAMBO did it first.

And I would accept any number of valid reasons why JACKIE BROWN is "better" than PULP FICTION, while accepting very few contrary reasons. So, bud, I guess we're just gonna have to leave it to the scientists.

Well, that's the thing, isn't it?

That quickly got, um, weird.

Or…You could just eff off you humorless, Billy Joel-loving cretin.

Eh. It's always Beyoncé or Katy Perry or "the Spice Girls were one of the greatest groups ever" or some-such bullsh.


All I can remember is people fawning all over the idea that Stallone could actually act.

Sucks to be you, then.

Pundits are real news!

"Americans should sleep well."

Because we, as club members have been responding. You know, it's invitation only, right?

(Mr. Greene, The Kinjapox is nigh. If I don't get another chance, I must say, it has been an honor serving with you, sir. Stay well.)

Dude's totally wrong about Nickleback, though. Just sayin.'

*feinting couch sighted*

Stand up, child. A sassy pop-star is passin.'

♪ Gabe, he groped my ASS, Gabe
He groped my ass