Count Erpoint

So he can jack it off?

Maybe you should've thought of that before you wandered into that kindergarten, 'bastard!

Fer yer Freedom!

Dammit! I was backing irotire in the office pool!

I hated high school, and I cannot understand anyone who didn't.

Kinja even fucks up comma usage!

Fer yer Freedom!

White, male, between the age of 18 and 22, never got above a "C-" in English.

Pretty sure it's titled "That Shitty Portugal The Man Song," except they stick a period somewhere it doesn't belong to show their edge and I can't be sussed.

You own that school year like a hero, buddy.

'Merica's a happy place when you shop white trash.

I don't recall critics dismissing COPLAND. Indeed, I recall the opposite.

Depends on your marker. If "a pretty damn entertaining Saturday morning cartoon" is your preference, then consider FACE / OFF for your list. If, however, one requires "sense" as a prerequisite for "best," then that one's a no-go.

Do you count used condoms as "gourmet"?


The military can't overrule the Commander in Chief. It wouldn't be honorable.

Jarvanka will certainly moderate him in this case.

Lovely. *sigh*

It's, like, a thing.
