Count Erpoint

Off topic…That's where Portugal The. Man is from.
Or is it…That's where Portugal. The Man is from?
Or…Portugal The Man. is from there.
Aw fuckit.


That makes it even worse. Springsteen is participating with a venue and a company to unnecessarily fleece his fans.
That isn't what you're saying?

Something, um, weird, is happening to the ends of most of your sentences. Or maybe it's the middles. It's hard, really, to tell.

That's more like it.

I saw The Stones for $12. $75 is pricey. $850 is criminal.

I worried about the kid dressed like Spider-Man hanging from the ceiling, though. That didn't seem necessary.

Harsh but fair.

In twelve inch heels or no-fucking-go.

my city in ruins

Jazz hands!

In what alternative reality is castration the better alternative to mortality?

No, and, GAWD, I so-hope I never do.

Adults can enjoy cheesy pop music in the privacy of their own homes. Like they enjoy their porn and their TV soap operas.

Nah. Really. Nah.

Joel's edge was all put-on. Joel practiced his sneers in a mirror while he was combing his hair.

Hm. The bigger the capitalist one is, the more stuff one can have that really shouldn't belong to one.

Not the seat I'm talking about.

No, you kinja not, but it was polite of you to ask first.

Eh. Marvel's got a seat at Trump's table of flatterers.