Count Erpoint

People can be stupid, but Americans can be the BEST stupid, so, "Suck it, people! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! We got money! Pow! Pow!"

He is REALLY gonna be pissed about Manafort getting raided by the FBI.


Sarcasm is hard to read on the internet.

Texas would've been a bummer to listen to, though.

Quilts and monuments.
Lousy presidents always give us sh!t to lay wreaths on.
That little bit of over-priced, useless wall is gonna be covered in flowers one day.

I'll play. Why, Jon?

I'll allow it.

In fact, he was horrible.

Nobody gets off work = Holiday in name only.

As if I needed another reason to stay away from Trump Tower.

Always the piss with this guy!


I don't get this. This whole "music snob" thing.

I cannot wait for the next generation to rebel against this current generation and bring back good taste and discernment.

Um, I really don't think Limp Bizkit fans were "more socially adept" than Duran Duran fans.

Aw, I'll miss you too, HockeyMike. You're a funny guy.

You meant 1977.

What's all this concern with the artists' pockets this morning?

The AV Club (after Kinja)