Count Erpoint

But you're walking alone.

Sean Hannity doesn't get enough attention. Why doesn't anybody give Sean Hannity any attention? Poor Sean Hannity. He could die soon, and no one would care.

Where's the "gourmet fare"?

Did that guy get fired? The "manifesto" guy?

"Daddy's always saying that, too! It will make him feel really good to know this Nietzsche guy is quoting him!"

Finally! Now we know what Ivanka is doing with all of her time in the White House.

Well, yeah, when you put it that way.

And I also refuse to believe anyone —- including Magical Superhero In Charge of Everything —- will fault me for it, either.

Certainly, THIS is the kind of pansy-assed nonsense that Mr. General Hard-Nosed Discipline will be stomping out, now that he's shaping the ship, yeah?


Me, I like the unwieldiness of conversations. Always more interesting, even though frequently more problematic.

Gee. I'd like to be erased. Just every once in awhile. When you think about it. Doesn't have to be a big thing.

I mean, that's the real tragedy! Trump will be impeached, and none of us will be on Kinja commenting about it!

Act now, and you'll get a second one free!

So, Two Fucks. Where we gonna go, Bubula?

Here's the thing…YOUR company owns your company's commenting platform.

And yet, we ask. *sigh*

Me neither.

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