Count Erpoint

Yes. Because this is not a conversational platform. This is a business compromise. This is a parent company. And as long as you wanna play under this roof, you will mind your parent company.

This is called "publishing" now?

Did they answer the most important question?

That Dylan crowd was an embarrassment. If you guys are ever looking for a valid reason to hate Boomers, that gang of fucks should be all you need.

Don't you Modern Life, bro? Everything you do must be integrated into one thing. It's for your convenience. (Actually, it's so "we" can cookie defuck outta you and make some money off your ass, but…) CONVENIENCE!!!

Ew. *slow clap*

Hey! Don't be proboscis-ist!

THAT is not a question. More of an observation, really.

One word for you, my friend: Crochet!

I hate this sh!t.

Who decides the "quality" of a discussion? What agenda applies? That should be left up to the community itself.

Honestly, this would be in her favor.

Not to mention complete disregard for the legal concept of "alleged."

It will be left up to a subcommittee of three.

Hold on. I'll check.

The world is not taking calls right now. I'll try again later.

This is a queasy double-standard kind of thing, isn't it?

Oh so much crazy fun, these kids these days.

Username/comment synergy a little wonky.

You don't know me, bitch.

2 p.m. Central is not now, is it?