Count Erpoint

There's a lot of competition for that title, but any combination of the words "white," "rapper," and "YouTube" puts you a step ahead.

I hate musicals.

♪ You'll put your eye out ♪

Don't let yer tail be the place I stick this-here rail, by Gawd.

It hasn't started yet.
Opens at 2.

Orrin Hatch will now diagram the Revolutionary War-era usages of "petard."

Dave's family wanted him to spend more time outside of the house.
Beard-hair gets everywhere.

I really don't think anybody's gonna commit suicide because of Kinja.

Well, there's one positive (if you live with a device in your hand).

Millennials think of "killing" as "being awesome," though. Like, when I say "Millennials are killing music," they translate that as "I know, right? The Lumineers are so great!"

No sub-threading. No can do.

How can you not be interested in every single thread?
I thought we all believed in diversity?!!?

I have no idea which pasture to move to.
I always end up finding something.

That sounds fucking awful, and I don't want to participate.
So, um, congratulations?


The conglomerate that they sold themselves to wants that.

Maybe they're counting on the comment community becoming less active?

I hate this shit.

If I were a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning.

All you gotta do is piss off one thin-skinned Marvel zombie and you'll get the hook.