Count Erpoint

Give us a tutorial, Dik.

And I wasn't able to get a Kinja account without already having a facebook or Twitter account which is extra worrying but may also be because I'm a Luddite.

Disqus' block feature took care of almost all of that, but, then again, I was in control of my own, um, blockage.

I'd be super-welcome in Kinjaland.

That won't backfire. Not at all.

As if Liking and Upvoting hadn't already ruined the internet, now we gotta deal with THE GRAY?!!?

Ew. That'll encourage open and robust discussion.

Is that like bumping uglies or things that go bump in the night?

EVERYBODY will be woke as fuck. Kinja will make sure of it.

Kinjapox on all your houses!

Explain "upvoting nonsense."

That's everywhere, Alvin. From now on, it's all sycophantic bullshit about Beyoncé and Chance The Rapper.

Trump's still President, after all, and nobody's locked Hillary up yet.

This show kind of sounds like that whole Chelsea Handler Netflix debacle. Of course, it will be better because, Dave, but still…

You can do it!

94.537% of men who have beards.
99.63457% of women who have beards.
100% of goldfish who have beards.

Miss you already, Dik. You and your, um, oddly-shaped nose.

Ugh. The things you hope for when you could be spending that hope on her going away.

*upvote for "front-butt*
*extra implied upvote for Thimble-Dick*

*upvote for Toad King*