Count Erpoint

Makes you proud, huh? So much pride. Yuge pride.

Of course, the locks will cost seven billion dollars, because Wall.

Oh nothing would unite 'Mericans more than a good "let's show Korea we still wear Big Boy pants."

Three words: New Jersey brides.

[Redacted. A post so nice, Disqus posted it twice.]

This John Kelly guy really creeps me out. Somebody needs to find a leather-diapered gimp in his basement dungeon right quick.

"Where's the bride? C'mon. I just made your special day extra special, amirite? Which of youse the chub chaser? Asking for a friend."

We live in a time of cosmic hoo-ha and musclebound men in pretty dresses.

Neither does Journey have a "Babe," "Mr. Roboto," "Lady," "The Grove of Eglantine," "Mademoiselle," "Miss America," "Rockin' the Paradise," "Best of Times," or any of that other sh!t.

Has anybody checked to see if Boston is alright?

Aw, he was just in Indianapolis last month.

Nah. Still Styx.

Honey hush.

Anything that will end Journey is A-OK by me.

I did not expect this. I always thought Schon was the hardcore right-winger.
Don't make me have to become a Neal Schon fan.

"AV Club is right. I'm so lame. I'm gonna quit and take up butchery." - Akiva Goldsman

No, you really didn't. You can't appreciate something like that until it's been incorporated in a superhero ad campaign. You only think you can.

Josh Brolin will just keep playing these things until one of them sticks, I suppose.

Wonder Woman's whip? It's a lasso. A lasso of truth, specifically.
And, truthfully, you won't be seeing me anywhere near this thing.

Two of the sexes sigh.