Count Erpoint


Ya mon.

I hate this shit.


Consider it mentioned.

Sinead O'Connor is standing right there.


A lot of people lost their damn minds.

Uh-huh. Sure. That happened.

Aw. Gosh. I'm so sad now. Wait. I'm OK now. That didn't take long.

"almost certainly a man"


*slow clap, speeding up gradually into a full-blown ovation*

An A. That's idiotic. "A" for absolutely idiotic.

"Pat" wasn't transgender.

"On and off for years."

No one must love you.

Your theory is based on the idea that the "low-info rubes" learn from experience and reevaluate their positions from time-to-time based on what they've learned.

31 becomes 61 in the blink of an eye. Your generation is just as full of bullshit.

Grievances which may be legitimate can still be woefully misplaced.