Count Erpoint

Nature can't stand contemporary music festivals either.

In a way, since he'll go to white-collar prison, he's not wrong. I wish they'd put his creepy, Wu Tang-loving ass in a real jail where he could learn what "saggin'" is really all about before being introduced to a shiv.

*starts to belittle "cognize"; thinks he should check; Googles "cognize;" confirms actual wordness; awards Joes with "Word of the Day" ribbon; slinks away*

Getting rid of the dialogue would improve most all of Nolan's movies. Seriously.

"I n' I jus' wan' a go wit 'er n' 'old 'er n' kiss 'er n' teller 'ow I n' I love 'er n' take care of 'er. Sekkle you bobo, da's you wife's dawta, mon."

"Come here, you old poop. Hurry up. The loons! The loons! They're welcoming us back."

"Do'new worry 'bout a ting, luv. One luv."

But, he wasn't lying.

(Well, he's definitely coming back then. Nobody hires DeNiro just for flashbacks,)

I'm different than other guys.

Tell me about the rubies the size of tangerines again.

Well, he could always try to make a Batman movie with Batman in it.

Nobody has dreams like that!

Well, Tom Hardy was told to act with his eyes, not his tongue.

No. That's the accent.

"You either die a hero, or you don't die in which case you become a villain, but you're gonna die."

Honestly, when it comes to a Nolan movie, as soon as Michael Caine mutters, "Keep an eye on your fuel," anyone with half a brain knows the fuel will run out.

Tyrese Gibson is standing right there!

Eh. But we'll be suffering Blue Ivy and Whippet Smith forever.

Too soon.