Count Erpoint

Any dick who ever had to hear your mom hum "Have You Never Been Mellow," that's what kind of dick.

Organic squashes.

You just made up for your disrespect of The Final Cut.



I'm going to try to do this.

They also blow.

[FART] > Division Bell > Momentary Lapse of Reason > Endless River

Tell your parents I'm sorry, not sorry, for beating them up back in The '70s. On the one hand they were music pansies. On the other hand, I was a bully, and violence is never cool.

You are so wishy-washy.
(Also, not my parents.)

Yes. Yes, they are, but a different Pink Floyd.

No. No, they are not. They are a logo then.

Children ruin more things, though.

OK. Now do how Shatner became an asshole.

I'm not even going to look at the list, thank you. I don't want to ruin my weekend, and if anything from Momentary Lapse of Reason or Division Bell ranked higher than, say 120, all of August would be shot.

- also Steve Bannon

Oh, I suppose you're happy with The Prequels the way they are, then?

Oh my!

No animals were, um, harmed during the making of this film.

Yawnny, yawn, fuckity-yawn.