Count Erpoint

If the ass you kick is righteous, you will need to kick it twice as…hard.

Those are called "teats."

"He's the opposite of Nixon. He IS a crook. Um, I guess he's the same as Nixon, then."

No one cares more than Dolly Parton.

All of our views are questionable.

Oops. We just allocated $14 billion for a wall that will never be built.
Sorry, West Virginia poor people. We don't have money to waste.

Kids never get to ask their parents to fuck.

He was Republican. He changed to Democrat in order to get his governorship. Now he's changed back.

Brandon, you never disappoint.
Go fuck yourself, you monied prick.

That would be a win for everyone.
But he'd probably send Jarvanka in his place, which would be a lose.

*slow clap for Norman Lear, a brilliant old white man*

Tilda Swinton?

Paul's the only one from that band left alive.
[Citation needed.]

Ugh with this band.

I'll miss you, Scarecrow, most of all.

But Houston's in Texas.

Emotion! Sparkles!

Nobody's ignorant of Lorde and Muse, pally.

Next to, um, a Lorde record.

Every single person on the planet, no matter how vile, will one day do something to earn your respect if you let them.