Count Erpoint

Way to go weather! You've "gutted" Lorde!

Because it matches his shoes.

God would probably cheat.

I notice this article provides no examples. This is either…

*discreetly pulls Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind to the side for a chat*

It's the hill no one had already claimed.

My how time flies when Republicans ruin the US government.

You take the end of one tube, and you screw it into the end of another tube.

Well, if you need a reason, I don't think you're doing it right.

This guy pucks.

*filter for "hair"*

What about all of Gwynnie's "life hacks"?

Hackers may not be as bad as trolls, but they may also be more pointless.


Lookit Mr. My-Pecs-Are-So-SWOLE over here!

At 18, this nozzle was begging, "C'mon, aren't you gonna card me? I went to a lot of trouble to fake this I.D.!"

Wow, lookit Mr. Humble-Bragging-About-My-Swimming-Pool over here!


Not the good gum, either.

[Citation needed.]