Count Erpoint

I don't wanna be right.

No. That's just Lara Trump's voice.


Of course, CNN. Because you are completely complicit jackasses and moral pussies.
Pretending you're informing us needfully while you suck the filthy lucre straight from the teat.
You've caused me to shamelessly mix my metaphors, you soulless motherfuckers.
Go straight to Hell, the lot of you.

Which one's the pretty one?

That's Corey Hart. The sunglasses should've tipped you.


Dammit. Somebody get Boomer Gorilla on the phone. We're gonna hafta go with him again.

For my take, the previous Hellboy films were stabs at making the mythology work as fairly generic "superhero adventures," and that isn't what Hellboy is, at all.

And, yet, there's a photo of her right next to the definition of the word "dull" in my Celebrity Dictionary? Next you're going to tell me not to trust my Celebrity Encyclopedia either.

Have you seen her eat a pie? A whole pie?

"Remember, Tom. All the audience will see are your eyes. You've to act with your eyes! Now, check your fuel. That's it. Check it. The gauge is damaged. Yes. Yes. Cut! Print! Fantastic!"

Always gotta be the biggest.

"He looks great on that motorcycle!" - Sean Hannity

It's nearly as funny as being a Republican in the US defending Donald Trump.

Wait. What? This is a "Russia cheats at sports" movie? How 1972.

So, see you in September maybe, Godzillaplex.

Directed by George Clooney. Aimed at year-end list-makers. Likely to fail and fail spectacularly.

Steve Bannon mumbles, "Errr eee arrr eee ahhih iiieeee."

War for the Planet of the Apes could've used the space. Sandwiched between Spider-Boy and Dunkirk, a good movie got lost.