Count Erpoint

Blue hairs everywhere, who decry such language in movies, on television, or in the music those kids listen too so loud, read this and think, "Donald Trump really hires the best people to cut through the Washington nonsense."

I've never seen a 3-D movie that didn't look like one of those dumb pop-up books I had as a kid.

Just like Faye Dunaway, you've confused MOONLIGHT with LA LA LAND.

You left out a "Yo."

What can we say? People go for this stuff.

That had nothing to do with the 3-D.

Take a lesson from John McCain? One showboat move, and this guy is your pick for an example of what, exactly? Bipartisanship? Cooperation? Competent governance?

[Citation needed.]

Well, he lets his pal, Pickles, have a tug every once in awhile. Then they fart at each other and laugh and laugh.

They're moderators! They influence their father in a more youthful direction! They're the good Trumps! Exceptional children!

"I like his policies, not his style."

Gets me EVERY time!

Everyone experiments in college.

3 ribs is a price any man would gladly pay.

It'd be like The Rapture!

You guessed it.

"You sound sexy, Lizza. Let's chat awhile."

Trump Steaks needs a comeback.

It can't be wrong if it's Right.

Thunderbolts AND lightening. Very, very frightening.