Count Erpoint

You haven't been paying attention since around 1982, huh?

And, even if it weren't, everyone should've learned that A.V. Club is not going to / doesn't have to explain itself on this subject.

Frankensteinian, even.

McConnell's gonna cry. And the microorganisms living in his neck waddles will have moisture to suckle for weeks!

Dear The Bez,

This is, honestly, the best thing they could do with their money.

He wants to be congratulated for the thought, though, because he built it.

Putin has been estimated to have $250 gazillion-billions, though. So, suck it, Capitalist Pig-Dog.

A waffle with a lobster on it!

Lindsey Graham is such a phony!

Good. More lobster for me then.

2038: Paul Ryan has really let himself go.
2042: Barron Trump will drain the swamp!

Nobody sorts their socks anymore.

More than that, complaining about the commenting of others does not result in action, either.

Nah. They all like troops that don't get captured or have brain tumors.

Need a Band-Aid for your owie, Skip?

[Redacted. Thought so nice, I posted twice.]

Ann Coulter. Neck waddles. "Snatch a knot in their ass."
This sh!t isn't even funny now.

Huckabee Sanders has doubled-down on the "passion" rationalization.
You'd think Christians would stand up for "passion." After all, the word was in the title of that movie that one time.

You'll never be able to get rid of that cookie. It will follow you to your next hard drive.