Count Erpoint

Every time he fires one, he makes a dozen new enemies for the President. So, Mooch, you little gangster, just keep doing you.

Lookit Mr. Greasy-Haired Tiny-Peter over here!

Galileo was a homo. Magnifico!
No, no, no, no, nyet.
Mama mia, mama mia.

"Pickles" angrily tweets Reince Priebus' birth date.
Reportedly, Priebus' cake was not Trump-hat shap.

You get this one group —- Bible-Belt Christians —- yelling at this other group —- Incensed Social Justice Progressives —- and you just sit back and watch the vast consensus turn off and become disinvested from the entire voting process.

Holy Little Dumbshit, Batman! It's The Polka-Dot Man!

He may be a cuckumber.


There is that.

Hey, Red-State 9 year-olds! You wanna be a celebrity? The Trump administration is currently casting for a child (age 9-12, Caucasian) to portray "Pickle," a slightly challenged boy who likes the president.

That is, as these things go, quite a compelling argument, Boos.

Everything is a math question to Brandon Brindle. He's a stats wonk.

I was gonna suggest belly-button lint or toe jam, but looks like you've gotten it figured out.

"He's raised exceptional children."

85% of registered Republicans support him, reportedly.
That's more than mainstream. That's practically monolithic.

More like a "feculent rectal canker."
(I'm trying to make it a thing.)


And the day after the day after tomorrow?

Christian crusader attitudes are 2000 years old. You think those attitudes are dying out? Those attitudes are undead.

What does the size of the minority matter when it currently pulls the reins of power?