Count Erpoint

Ah, but it has been normal for nearly 8 months. How long can it be "not normal" before it is?

Mama mia, mama mia.

Well, fa, fafafa, Montague.

Ah, the questions of life. Ponder away, little philosopher, but don't bother me with your confusion.

People be stupid.

You're never going to get to be an A.V. Club editor with that kind of attitude, mister.

The U.S. never had a problem with all of the Soviet Union's totalitarianism. It was just the economic model they couldn't abide.

Dude, a flaccid military won't do anybody any good.


Why, yes, father. Your son, whom you named but rather just be referred to as your son, would enjoy some internets. Is the woman you call wife that is my mother well?


That year's swimsuit competition put me off swimming. And suits. Forever.

We are a part of the rhythm nation.

Guilty feet have got none. Though it's easy to pretend.

"What is this sh!t? They can't dance, and they're not even stars! This can't possibly be popular. People aren't that stupid!" - Me, 12 (12!) years ago.

Depends. Are you building a table or a ladder?
Then again, if we're gonna bring Depends in, you really don't have to worry so much about wiping your ass, and the whole discussion becomes moot.

That is depressing.

Well, yes, but he identified as an asshole.

A guy in my office said Trump was recently caught on mic asserting he was "the most presidential" of all Presidents "except for Lincoln." "Grotesque" was the word that immediately popped into my head.

Four words: Sean Hannity's Halloween party.