Count Erpoint


The Human Race is a franchise, man.

Considering your avatar, I'm used to it.

Counterpoint from Count Erpoint: Yes. Yes, you have. Which does not mean you have to kneel down for all bad ideas.

Can't wait for the story of the dead dog as a puppy.


When I talk to my dad, I don't always refer to son / father dynamics either.

Of course they were. He's a vampire.

1. You're an anal-obsessive geek.
2. You're an anal-obsessive geek.
3. You're an anal-obsessive geek.

"There’s a cleverness at work that makes me less worried about the other adaptive changes—namely, the idea that Jesse’s family, the L’Angelles, are (or were) in the soul-selling business."

1. All of religious dogma throughout history. And, Genesis, the fictional Deus ex machina.
2. See #1 above, first sentence.

That was the point of the book-ending mirror images.

Still. No president has deserved it quite so much.

We don't know the woman suffers Alzheimer's. There are other types of dementia. Fuck.

Yes you do.

That's why they call it The Walk of Shame.

Heaven doesn't exist. Neither does Hell. The Japanese corporation can pay me for 100% of my soul.


So? This show has decided to say, "Fuck the source material." Generally —- say, um, Nolan's Batman, as one example —- I'm not cool with it, but this time, for whatever reason, I've decided to make an exception.

Never cared about VMAs. Not gonna start now.