Count Erpoint

Fan-boying out over football gives one brain disease, so it's only fair, really.

I was wearing my favorite Pink Floyd tee-shirt so you'd recognize me!

Here. Pee on this bed Obama slept in.

Thing is, though…Don't we tend to have a higher standard for our children today than, "Well, remember the Hitler Youth"?

Yeah. They're only embarrassed after the fact.

Dude, even if you look at that speech and only see stupidity, you have to be ashamed of it. It's THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The single person representing all of us, as a nation. And, he's a doddering, half-wit, narcissist fucktard.

Um, full transparency would be handing all your old tweets to the public and explaining that you were lying then or lying now and that you're just a greed-soaked douchbag who chases the money.

Thank you, Higgins. Thank you, Randall.

I'm in it.

Snorting hash off hot metal?

[Citation needed like a mother-fuck!]

Well. Lookit Mr. Old-School Brand Reference over here!

Thanks for being super supportive!

Apples out of season can be bland, our orange President is just a prick.

Gawd, when did it become OK for grown men to write like eleven year-old girls?

Could Iron Man be in this movie? They have just sort of sidelined that character.

Ooh, ooh. Also, a big thing should crash into another big thing (or only slightly less big thing).

[Obvious Ba-dum-tsh sounds.]


Benificious Anne Combovertwitch