Count Erpoint

The hobo thing, sure, but the mattress tag? It's written there right in bold!

I'm surprised they're not just post-it notes.

*and by "kicks" you mean "tortures the puppy and smirks like a creature"*

Psst. Most of the whities are still fine with the cops' strong-arm tactics, actually, as long as they use them against people of color. The most important thing is the heroes keep us safe!

So much for the tolerant left!

I'd rather have a strongman kick me in the testicles repeatedly.
(Not a fetish.)

And rehearse! Again and again and again (just assume I typed "and again" 6 more times —- wait, he just got punched again —- 7 more times).

You don't?

So many faces to punch, so little time.

"Look! There aren't any chemtrails in the sky on the 'after' side! Besides, what have you got against white coral?" - Donald Trump's Adviser on the Environment, Kid Rock

Oh, but worry not. We can turn it all around. We're human, and we like optimism!

The fewer friends one has, the better they might be. - Someone Wise

Hey! At least it's an ethos.

It's worked their whole lives. Why would government be any different?

Statistics! They're like magnets.

Buttery males.

And will have the same result as the previous billion things.

I'm a bit slower. I figured it when he drew the keyhole.

Sarcasm is hard to read on the internet.

If only he would go to jail. I don't think it will ever happen.