Count Erpoint

Oh no! Even his fakery is faked? I figured out why Donald Trump is so into Russia, guys? He's a sentient nesting doll! You could just keep opening him up over and over until you got to the very core and find nothing.

I see you're* one of those guys on the internet (and likely in your* life as well) who believes in a moral imperative for our society.

I can honestly say my consistent view on any of these things is to make a determination based on evidence and situation, and I don't try to lump any of them together in order to support a knee-jerk reaction.

She's an ambitious person. Lots of things.

Yes. He did crimes with, um, colorful circles.

Dr. Milo was a genius! How dare you demean what that chimp could put together out of a few spare parts, bamboo, and some corn husks!

Sure. You do you. And, thanks for dooming us all to four additional years of jackassery and however many more those supporters have lined up for us with the next criminal stooge. At least you feel like you've staked some superior moral ground.

Even God hates Billy Joel.

I just freeze-framed that scene. No one on that wall is Ennis or Dillon.

Eh. Fucking Billy Joel.

Ah. Never forget she meant it.

"Maybe my dad had something to do with the assassination. Who ever really knows what their dad's doing on 'bowling night'?"

It all evens out. She becomes Republican when she marries him anyway.

Nah. We need to vote a whole bunch of people off the island.

Independents everywhere say, "No thank you. No, really."

I'm heartbroken that this will never go away. This is history now. This will be impacting us for generations.

There's really no wriggle room left.

An attorney would only be concerned if it were going to be a real interview with a credible journalist who was going to ask difficult questions that hadn't been preapproved.

7th level chess, baby. All along! You can't be that successful in busiā€¦[FARTS]

Pence 2020: Didn't Know Dick!