Count Erpoint

Meanwhile, has anybody woken Ozzy up and told him about this?

Fun Fact: The B-Side to "MacArthur's Park" was a Jimmy Webb song called "Didn't We?"

True. I can't remember the last time I cried when I chopped an onion.

Well, not when they're drowned in water and deep-throated en masse, no.
So, that's settled.

That's why the venue told the band it was a security issue, probably.
The audience didn't feel sorrowful enough to leave. They obviously expected the "show to go on." Most of them probably didn't know the acrobat had died from injuries. Very few in a very big crowd would've been cool about a cancellation.

New guy has to juggle the billiard balls. That ain't easy while also hangin' on Fat Charlie's backside.

Also, too much patchouli.

Maybe that's why I never thought of Green Day as a punk band. I should've dated their drummer!

Never heard of her.

Eh. Pretty sure it's not "major." But I'll never know. Let's say you're right.

He wasn't "super angry." He was "super pouty." There's quite a difference, as it turns out.

Well, fairly considering. You saw the District that was four districts before fully cooked.

ELYSIUM was a hit?

Yep. Blomkamp has said Bay is the only filmmaker who truly "gets it."

Or shrimp allergies. One of those.

On the other hand, I hated that movie.

Kiss my ass, Spotify!

Wait until they spring the new-new commenting system on ya, bub.

I'm in favor of anything that keeps Neill Blomkamp from making feature films, so more of this, please.

Christopher Nolan never knew who Batman was, and that didn't stop him from making three movies about "Batman."